Sunday, July 1, 2012

Emperor Palpatine's Shuttle Has Arrived...

Bruce Beasley
Stainless Steel
Stanford Campus

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Needs Some Moth Balls...

Luna Moth Walk I
Charles Ginnever
Cort-Ten Steel
Stanford Campus

The best part about this rusted piece of crap is that it's not the worst thing in the picture... you can see Mozart I in the background...

Friday, June 1, 2012

Ram Tough

Big Ram Skull and Horn
Jack Zajac
Stanford Campus

And everyday when the sprinklers come on, it becomes a bird bath...

It looks like the mold broke and this is the result. Not so much awful as it is dull and uninteresting.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Who Knew Katrina Hit Stanford...?

Mozart I
Kenneth Snelson
Stanford Campus

Here's an up close and personal look at it... ah... I see what Mr. Snelson was doing.

I keep thinking that this was something more spectacular and that a pin broke during a big storm and the whole thing got so tangled up they said, "Just leave it... someone's bound to read into it and think it's art, right?"